The school

The School
We offer the highest quality preschool education, by experienced native English speaking teachers.

Let your child learn English and Greek at the same time and develop in a happy environment, where safety and security are a major consideration.

Our early childhood groups are the followings:

  • 2-3 age group
  • 3-4 age group
  • 4-5 age group
  • 5-6 pre-primary school

Putting the child in the center of our program, we aspire to help them develop all the necessary cognitive, emotional and social skills required to become inquisitive, thoughtful, considerate and confident global citizens.

Children attending the Cottage are taught on an individual basis and progress according to their own ability, as we respect each child is unique in their own right.

Our school performs fixed annual visits to museums and theaters.

  • Limited number of children in each class depending on age
  • Sleeping room
  • Three meals per day (breakfast-lunch-supper)
  • Monthly pediatric visit
  • Annual Pediatric dentist visit
  • Insurance medical care
  • Cooperation with child psychologist
  • Scheduled meetings for parents and teachers
  • Transportation with two new buses with state-of-the-art safety features
Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.